OrphanCare…sy hargai niat murni kamu!

Aku terjumpa ni masa tgh belek2 blog Daniel Zain….My friend, Qastalani @ Karipapsayur pun aktif dlm Orphancare ni..sayangnya mcm takde cawangan di Kluang je....

“Abandoned and left to die. This is the fate of an increasing number of unwanted babies that end up in toilets and rubbish bins among other places. A few are found dead while others are saved in the nick of time.

With this in mind I’d like to share some info on OrphanCARE, an NGO dedicated to solving this issue.

Give your baby a chance for a better life

Protect your baby’s right to life

  • Do good by giving your baby to OrphanCARE who will provide him/her with caring parents.
  • If you want help at any stage of your pregnancy, please call or come to OrphanCARE.
  • We will assist you with the safe delivery of your baby.
  • You don’t have to face this difficult predicament on your own.
Contact OrphanCARE at our 24hour helpline @ 03 7876 1900


What we do

OrphanCARE is working closely with the Ministry of Women, Family & Community Development to expedite the adoption process whereby abandoned and orphaned babies and children are quickly matched up and placed with suitable parents.

We undertake awareness programmes to make society recognise that orphans ans abandoned children should not be left permanently in orphanages or shelter homes.

We have a database of interested adoptive parents with complete background profiles and are working with orphanages, single mother shelter homes, hospitals and clinics to provide suitable families for orphans and unwanted or abandoned babies.

About orphanCARE

OrphanCARE is a non-profit organisation established in April 2008, under the patronage of HRH Sultanah Pahang Hajjah Kalsom. It aims to give every orphan and abandoned baby a chance to feel love and care in the security of a family in accordance to our tagline “Every child needs a family”.

Most orphanages are often ill-resourced to provide children the kind of love, attention and security that could be offered by families. Orphans and children who spend large parts of their childhood in orphanages, in large number of cases grow up (unsurprisingly!) with low self-esteem resulting in behavioral problems, delinquency, and poor academic performance. Many leave orphanages at the age of 18 without a family support system, making it difficult for them to start a new life.
Unwed mothers whom abandon their babies are mostly young and come under pressure arising from social stigma and legal implications, compounded by a sense of hopelessness due to not knowing where to seek help. OrphanCARE was set up to discourage such women from abandoning their babies by providing the assurance that their babies would be placed in good homes.

For more information or if you would like to volunteer, please contact us at:

6, Jalan SS 1/24A
Kampung Tunku
47300 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan

Email: orphan.care@gmail.com

Tel: 03 7876 1900

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  1. Miss Q said,

    June 3, 2010 at 5:27 pm

    Ina, OC ni bkn kira mcm cawangan2. As long as kita register jadi volunteer, kita dh kira m'bantu. Ina bole jadi "mata-mata" cawangan Kluang! heheheh. Umpama mcm kita dok saban hari dgr anak jiran kita nangis sbb dok kena dera, kita diam2 pegi call teledera. kira cm tu pn da kira mcm volunteer.. at least ina dh tahu ada OC ni. Later ada Ina dgr org Kluang ngandung anak ha-ha ke, do contact org OC and ask what to do. Tak pun kalo ada budak pregnant dtg pd ina tatau nk buat apa ke, ask them to come to OC seek for help. mcm tu aje.. itu kalo volunteer lahBut, if you want to be "member" of OC, you have to pay RM 120 as yearly fee atau seumur hidup (x sure). benefit nya, ur voice is counted in meeting. itu shj..

  2. DrSam said,

    June 3, 2010 at 6:27 pm

    Usaha murni patut disokong. Saya rasa ramai yang tidak tahu tentang kewujudan OC ni. perlu disebarkan maklumat ini dengan lebih meluas.

  3. rynas said,

    June 3, 2010 at 7:06 pm

    ya ramai tak tahukan…kena sebarkan benda yg baik

  4. June 4, 2010 at 2:02 am

    Bagus OC nie. I know a few people say yang OC macam menggalakkan more pre-marital sex, but I disagree. Personally, I think it's a good thing. We should look at the bigger picture. Sanggup ker kita tengok bayi kena buang dalam longkang lagi? Syabas to NGO yang tubuhkan Orphan Care for trying to make a difference!

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