Hospital Pantai, Batu Pahat

Aku amik cuti siang tadi(bos duk depan umah, aku sms je nak mintak coti,dia kata ok..tq bos!)..Cg Fly pun amik coti..dan kami bawa E-ein jumpa paed kat Hospital Pantai.Biasanya ramai org kat spital ni..tapi hari ni patient kanak2 tak ramai sgt, so tunggu tak sampi sejam, dah dpt jumpa doktor….Aku & Cg Fly explain, dia ni doktor keempat yang kami jumpa.Doktor said, dia suspect E-ein kena colitis(radang usus disebabkan jangkitan bakteria atau virus).Dia prescribe antibiotik ,ORS dan susu khas utk cirit birit (yg mane aku rasa same je dgn Isomil, tapi brand je tak same-ikut jelah ckp doktor puan Catlina oi, byk songeh lak eheh..)..Susu tu boleh tukar semula ke Isomil bila E-ein dah sembuh & doktor suruh tgk improvement dlm 2-3 hari ni..kalo same gak atau makin teruk, kena dtg balik.Harap2 E-ein show improvement.Amin…

Ubat2 dan susu baru

Balik dari spital:Ape yg buat E-ein ralit sgt tuh?

Dia tgk Mickey Mouse Clubhouse kat laptop..
adoi..membesar dgn kartun lah budak kecik ni..
jgn jadi kartun sudah

Kecewa kecewa kecewa

Aku kecewa gila ni…hari ni E-ein tak menunjukkan sebarang perubahan.Dah masuk hari kelima berak2 ni,selang 3-4 jam,dia mesti berak.Masih berak2 mcm tu jugak…nak kata cair, tak cair,tapi lembik dan masuk 4 kali dah masa entry ni ditulis..Aku rasa susu tu jadi penyebab(walaupun dah tukar ke antidiarrhoea formula) , sebab lepas mkn bijirin Nestle, dia tak berak.My sis kata, anak dia Alif dulu umur setahun berak2 lebih 3kali je, doktor terus admit spital.Hmm…org duk kata beralih bulan, aku tak leh terima,kalau beralih bulan, biasanye setakat sehari dua je..takkan lah berhari-hari cam ni.

Esok nak g Batu Pahat, nak g Hospital Pantai.Aku kecewa juga dgn servis hospital kerajaan(maaf ckp ye).Asyik kata tak ape, tak ape.Bukan anak dia leh la ckp mcm tu….Insurans E-ein lak lum approve lagi..aku baru buat before raya tu ari,pengajaran buat aku,lain kali baby lahir je, terus wat insurans yg cover utk hospitalisation.Buat kawan2 yg lain, amik iktibar ye, buatlah insurans utk anak2 awal2…so skrg kena pakai byrn cash la utk rawatan E-ein kalau2 admit wad…..harap2 doktor bagi ubat je tanpa masuk wad….amin…

ps: takde mood nak buat entry gmbr raya..Bila e-ein dah ok nanti.,baru aku postkan entry…doakan E-ein sihat k..& juga utk keputusan Anakku Merdeka, sila tunggu k…maybe lmbt sket kuar result….


What causes diarrhoea?


The most common cause of diarrhoea is a virus called rotavirus. Nearly all children catch this virus by the time they are five years old. Rotavirus causes gastroenteritis, an infection of the gut. The infection damages the inner lining of the intestine. The injured lining leaks fluid and allows food to pass through without absorbing any nutrients.

Diarrhoea in babies can also be caused by formula feeds not being made up properly, colds, antibiotics, food poisoning, allergies, or, more rarely, enzyme deficiencies.

Can it be prevented?

Proper hygiene can help reduce the chance of diarrhoea because the micro-organisms which cause it can easily be passed from hand to mouth. So wash your hands thoroughly for at least 15 seconds with an antibacterial soap after handling soiled nappies or using the toilet.

How should I treat it?

If your baby is taking breast or formula feeds well, stick with them. For older babies, you can try sips of water or oral rehydration salt solution (ORS) in addition to their usual breastfeeds or full strength formula feeds.

Toddlers and older children can have well-diluted fruit juices (at least one part juice to 10 parts water). Ice lollies can be useful if your toddler is reluctant to drink. Avoid glucose drinks, fizzy drinks and undiluted fruit juices (unabsorbed sugar draws water into the intestine and can increase diarrhoea).

Do not give anti-diarrhoeal medicine to children under 12 years old, as it could have serious side-effects.

Are breastfed babies less likely to get diarrhoea?

Yes. Certain elements in breastmilk can inhibit the growth of the micro-organisms which cause diarrhoea.

Should I stop giving solid foods?

No. Unless your baby is vomiting frequently, you can still give her solids. If your child is six months or older you could try foods like bananas, rice, apple puree, and dry toast. For an older baby or toddler you could try small amounts of chicken and starchy foods like mashed potatoes and pasta. But don’t worry if she doesn’t want to eat. It’s more important that she drinks to avoid dehydration.

When should I call the doctor?

Diarrhoea can be worrying if it lasts more than a few hours, but it will usually clear up on its own. If your child has loose, watery stools for more than a couple of days, call your doctor. The biggest concern with diarrhoea is dehydration, so don’t delay in calling your paediatrician if your child shows these signs of inadequate fluid intake or fluid loss:

  • dry skin or lips

  • listlessness

  • tearless crying

  • a sunken fontanelle

  • discoloured hands and feet

  • strong yellow urine or fewer wet nappies than usual
  • You should also consult your doctor if your child:

  • refuses to drink

  • has a fever which lasts longer than 24 hours

  • has blood in her stools

  • has diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting which lasts longer than 24 hours

  • has a swollen abdomen
  • These secondary symptoms are uncommon, but they can be cause for concern.

    If your baby’s uncomfortable during a bout of diarrhoea, try to cuddle and comfort her as much as possible, and keep her dry. Use care and tenderness when changing nappies since it’s easy for a baby’s bottom to become irritated with diarrhoea. Use a barrier cream to prevent irritation if the diarrhoea lasts more than a day. Rest assured, soon your baby will bounce back.

    Sumber : Baby Centre Malaysia

    Sticky Mode:Tarikh Tutup Contest Anakku Merdeka Dilanjutkan ke 27 September

    Dimaklumkan bahawa tarikh tutup Anakku Merdeka contest dilanjutkan ke tarikh baru iaitu 27 September 2009. Hadiah juga telah ditambah menjadi 6 hadiah keseluruhannya, sila klik sini utk maklumat lanjut.

    Assistant baru..

    Masa kat kampung tu ari, aku ada assistant baru tukang henjut buaian E-ein…hehehe..tapi kalau dibiarkan lame2, bimbang E-ein melambung kang,baru lah buai laju2 sampai pokok sena hahaha….

    Alif dah tak pelat dah, skrg ni petah betul dia bercakap, kalah abang Amir dia.Ayat-ayat Alif anak sedaraku:

    “E-ein cantik “
    “Jangan risau na” (bila E-ein nangis)

    “Comelnye” (bila tgk gmbr sendiri heh)

    Aya sayang abang Amir

    Novalac AD

    Kul 6 petang tadi kami bawa lagi E-ein (semalam dia eyak 6 kali!)ke Hospital Kluang, Bhgn Kecemasan & dirujuk ke Klinik Pakar 1..(Nak pegi paed swasta sebenarnye tapi tutup lak today….)kata doktor,selagi E-ein aktif dan tak dehydrated, its ok..tapi kena cairkan susu yg dia minum skrg ni atau guna susu utk cirit birit.Dan aku refer pula pd pharmacist kat bahagian farmasi…dan terus g beli susu ni balik dari hospital.Hmm..kami cari Bebelac LF sebenarnye tapi tak jumpe…jumpa Novalac Ad..& decide to give it a try..dlm ni ade protein susu lembu tapi takde lactose…kalau E-ein alah pada susu ni pulak..kena la tukar lagi…haih…formula milk hunting is so difficult!!!!(susu aku duk takat tu je..pam2 je, selalu tak smpi 0.5 oz pun….aku try minum horlicks MIL suggest..)

    Taken from Novalac website

    What is diarrhea?

    Acute diarrhea is defined by having more liquid stools, more often and in bigger quantity than usual. It is often accompany by vomiting.(E-ein kerap eyak tapi tak muntah..not so liquid..selang2 kdg lembik,kdg cam cair sket)

    Where does diarrhea come from?

    Causes of diarrhea are multiple ; it can be food intolerance as well as viral or bacterial infections.

    Is a diarrhea dangerous?

    You can have a high risk of dehydration with diarrhea what can be dangerous, even deadly. Therefore in case of doubts, go to see your doctor urgently. Dehydration is showed by a decrease of urine volume (less than 4 wet nappies a day), weight loss, no tears, dryness of the mucous membrane, hollow eyes, greyish skin and a sunken fontanel. Your doctor will evaluate the gravity of the dehydration with the weight loss and will prescribe a treatment, probably constituted of an oral reydration solution and/ or a particularly adapted infant formula. If you cannot see a doctor immediately, ask advise from your chemist in order to give your baby an oral rehydration solution such as Novalac Hydranova as soon as possible. During the treatment, if you do not see a quick recovery of the symptoms, go and see your doctor again.

    Kami dah balik…..

    Dah Sampai

    Alhamdulillah dah selamat smpi petang semalam..sseronok jumpa keluarga kat kampung & jumpa sepupu2 E-ein,Amir & Alif.Sebenarnye bertolak balik dari Kelantan on 23hb, kami singgah berehat & bermalam di Kuantan sebab E-ein penat kalau travel 12 hours straight…kesian dia.Masa balik ke Kelantan, tempoh perjalanan jadi 15 jam sbb byk kali berhenti.Nampaknye lepas2 ni kalau balik Kelantan, aku & Cg Fly bercadang akan bermalam di Kuantan sebelum meneruskan perjalanan balik semula ke Johor.

    23 September:Hospital-KMC
    Masa aku taip entry ni, kami baru balik dari hospital Kluang.Nak kata E-ein tak sihat,macam sihat.Nak kata sihat, mcm tak sihat..sebenarnye E-ein kerap sgt berak skrg..selang 3-4 jam dia berak,tak lah berak cair, tapi bila dia kerap berak,takut dia dehydrated.Masa kat Kuantan, subuh2 kami pegi ke Kuantan Medical Center (KMC) sebelah hotel(ada 24hour clinic),sbb sebelum tu E-ein dah berak 4x utk dari malam bwk ke subuh….tapi dia tak nmpk cam sakit, menyusu mcm biasa,aktif & nmpk hepi jek.Doktor (yg mamai2 baru bgn tido) bg air garam(ORS) dan ubat antibloat.Katanye kalau berlarutan, kena masuk air nih.

    25 September:Hospital-Kluang
    Ada sedara mara kata, ni beralih bulan, tak perlu risau…tapi aku tak puas hati…& taknak menyesal kalo jadi ape2 kat E-ein.Kat Hospital, doktor kata, kalau dia berak 6-7kali sehari baru kena risau….kata doktor, travelling stress & dpt ubat ORS dan Smecta.Sebelum g spital pg tadi, aku perah susu & dpt lah dlm 4 sudu besar & aku suapkan kat E-ein..alhamdulillah, setakat g spital tadi dia tak pulak berak2 lagi….harap2 E-ein ok pasni…amin..

    dan to my darling hubby Cg Fly , semoga cepat sembuh, dia tgh demam tu maklumlah travel jauh..cian dia…

    Antara gambar2 E-ein otw ke Kelantan


    Bila bgn, dia main dgn cloth book utk menghilangkan boring

    Gambar2 raya akan diupdate kemudian ye…tata for now!
    (waaa..malasnye nak balik keje!!!!)

    Sticky Mode: Salam Aidilfitri

    Buat kawan2 blogger yang disayangi sekalian…silakan ambil & tempek kat blog k….
    Selamat Hari Raya!

    Balik Kampung

    Auto Published Entry

    Sekarang ni kami dalam perjalanan balik kampung aku iaitu kat Kota Bharu, Kelantan….first time raya bertiga ni :)..oleh itu aku akan berhenti bersiaran sementara sehingga balik ke Kluang semula..

    Gmbr raya Ultraboboys tahun lepas,tahun ni ade extra sorang Ultragirl tecik hehehe…first time juga Ultraboboys n family jumpe E-ein nih!


    Happy 6-month old E-ein!

    Hari ni genaplah umur E-ein 6 bulan….bila tgk balik gmbr masa E-ein dlm hari, keciknye dia masa tu..skrg kalau diriba, berjuntai kaki dari riba Mama dia yang keding ni..hihihi…Esok kami akan bertolak balik ke Kota Bharu,Kelantan…5 hari raya kat sana pastu balik Kluang semula…to blogger2 BP (Kak Dzana,Kak Ana & Kak Cute Miut)..looking forward to visit all of you! 🙂

    Muke concentrate tgk tv,siap menyandar kat bantal

    Eheh dia dah perasan la Mama amik gmbr dia

    Ingat tak aku cerita pasal E-ein kena eczema dulu?Dia dah baik sekarang, tapi eczema tu dtg on & off…nilah ubat2 yang E-ein pakai skrg…dekat sebulan gak pakai ubat ni & dipantau oleh doktor 2 minggu sekali.
    Menurut pakar kulit yang kitorg pegi tu, susah nak ramal bila nak sembuh sepenuhnya, ada pesakit yg baik sendiri, ada yang berterusan smpi dewasa..harap2 E-ein dpt sembuh dari eczema ni ,tak melarat smpi besar nanti…cian tgk dia tergaru2 dgn naik ruam kat muka, menggelupas berair kat kulit tgn….doktor pesan, jgn guna mandian baby yang biasa tu, sbb E-ein alergik kat sabun…terpaksa la guna mandian yg doktor tu bekalkan..agak mahal tapi sebotol boleh tahan 6 bulan..

    Ubat-ubat e-ein : ada krim siang,losyen malam & mandian…

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